Monday, January 18, 2016

Behind the Scenes: The Man Who Murdered Sherlock Holmes

I have a few addictions. One of them is coffee shops. If you are connected to me on Facebook or IG, that comes as no surprise. I also have a weak spot for coats and pajamas. If I have to shop for anything, those would be what a I want first (I hate shoe shopping. Go figure). But, one of my biggest addictions is behind the scenes stuff. I love, love, love having access to places most people don't get to see. I've been friends with people in a few well known bands and I'm stupidly happy when I get that lanyard that gives me backstage access. I love being able to walk into the theater to drop Peyton off for his call time when he's in a show. I don't know what it is but I think those times/places can be even cooler than the finished product/show, though I love that part too. So, it could not have been a more perfect job for me when The Mercury Theater reached out to see if I was available to come and photograph rehearsal for about an hour for a new show in the works. The fact that the cast was rehearsing in the rehearsal space and not the theater made it even cooler. See below for a behind-the-scenes peek into preparing for a world premiere opening of a brand new musical, called "The Man Who Murdered Sherlock Holmes."

Previews start on January 20th and it runs through March 20th. 
Head to to get your tickets. 
You won't want to miss this show!

Friday, January 8, 2016

New Year, New Goals

So, here's the truth. I've never been much of a goal writer.  In fact, I remember that feeling of dread when my boss (when I worked for other companies) would say it was time to write goals.  Someone else was going to judge me on said goals once I wrote them and then again when it was time for reviews (yet another fun thing I never really loved. Ha!).  I always want to do an excellent job at whatever I'm doing at the time and I always received great reviews.  However, I often felt like I had to really do some creative thinking to put things down on paper that at least sounded good. I was in marketing which meant that goals were harder to measure since a lot of what we did wasn't solely based on numbers (like labor or food cost.)

About 3 years ago, I took my part time, on-the-side, photography business to my full time focus and left the world of corporate marketing.  While it wasn't the timing I had planned on, I often think that's exactly how life goes.  I felt like the universe was saying, "Okay, you've done this photography thing part time for a few years now. It's time to step up or move on." So, I stepped up and haven't looked back since.

With goal writing, I've discovered that for me, there is a difference between writing goals for another company and writing goals for my own company.  A huge difference.  One feels like a chore. The other feels like an exciting path to walk in the next 12 months and see how far I've come.  I'm not just working to improve someone else's profits. I'm working to improve myself, the quality of work for my clients and yes, my own financial success.  Last year was the first time I actually put a pen to paper and wrote down specific goals. Throughout the year, there were thoughts I'd have about what I wanted to work on, areas I wanted to improve, new things I wanted to try.  Writing them down felt like I was making myself more accountable and the goals more achievable.  It kept them top of mind as well, knowing that even if I forgot the specifics, I could always go back and find where they were.

I wasn't wildly successful in accomplishing everything I hoped to do last year but I did get some things done, both personally and professionally.  I formed a much better habit of drinking water (which I generally dislike) that lead to a healthier me.  I set a goal to take 2 new classes. I got 1 in.  I didn't work past 8pm, 90% of the time.  I updated my website (though in fairness, that's an ongoing, never ending goal).  Other goals fell by the wayside but that's what a new year is for, right?

So, the blank pages you see above have some writing on them now and I'm most excited about what the year has in store for me!  I will share that my #1 personal goal is to clean out every cabinet and drawer in the house by the end of the year.  I have 51 more weeks to get it done. And, if I do one drawer/cabinet per week, it's totally doable, right?  (The basement will have to wait until next year). My #1 professional goal is to photograph 2 more professional theaters this year! Oh how I love shooting theater.  Getting the opportunity to photograph The Christmas Schooner at The Mercury Theater was one of the highlights of my year.

Do you write down goals?  What's in your top spot for 2016?