Sunday, May 13, 2012

Oh how I love Mother's Day!

Each year that passes, I grow to love Mother's Day more and more.  Being a mom just keeps getting better and better. And, I get more spoiled each year. I love having one day where I don't have any obligations, I don't have to make breakfast, clean up the kitchen, make dinner or honestly, really make any decisions about anything.

This morning my husband woke up, told me to go back to bed and not come downstairs.  (yay!)  I drifted off again and woke up around 8. I didn't hear much but I did start to smell pancakes.  (yay!)  I grabbed a new library book and started reading.  (seriously, a luxurious morning).  Not long after that, my little guy came upstairs, said, "Hi Mom, " dropped this on the bed and headed back downstairs. It made me laugh.

I went back to reading and shortly thereafter, the pancake smell got stronger.  A wonderful thing happened when my whole family appeared carrying this fabulous gift.

Breakfast in bed!  How fun!  The kids stayed with me for awhile and I shared my fruit and a few bites of the pancakes. Eventually, they headed downstairs to eat their own breakfast and came back upstairs again with all kind of wonderful goodies.

Am I lucky or what?!

Once all the morning hoopla was over, the kids and Kevin headed to see his mom and I got a few extra hours to myself.  I read some more, edited and posted photos and got ready to see Salt Creek Ballet's spring performance of Sleeping Beauty (Aurora's wedding) and other repertoire. My mom joined us for the show.  What a fantastic performance!  The dancers did an amazing job.

The day wrapped up with dinner at Maggiano's with my mom. We stuffed ourselves silly and then did a quick little photo session before we hopped into our cars to head home.  All in all I couldn't have asked for a more perfect day!

Me and my fabulous mom!!!!

Wishing all the other moms out there a very Happy Mother's Day! You deserve every single minute of it.   

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Earlier last month, I got an email from a former colleague and friend of mine.  He and his wife had an anniversary coming up and he wanted to surprise her with photos of him and their furry baby, Winston.  I thought that sounded like a lot of fun and we set a date.

Winston is an adorable pug dog.  While I am terribly allergic to dogs and can't ever have one of my own, I must admit that pugs are one of my favorite types of dogs.  Getting Winston to do what we wanted him to was challenging but made us laugh. Dave was prepared with treats of string cheese to use as bribes.  He also armed me with the names of Winston's other dog friends who he plays with at the park. When I'd ask, "Where's Lulu?", he would cock his head to the side, look right at me and perk up his ears.  (see the second image below).  It worked like a charm and completely cracked me up!

In the end, we got some fun shots. I was even happier that it gave me a chance to see my friend who I hadn't seen in quite a few years!  Enjoy the images.

Wishing Dave & Jeanette a very Happy Anniversary and many more years of love and happiness!
(Winston too!)