Monday, September 28, 2009

Sneak Peek - The S Family

Two weekends ago, I hung out with the S Family. We had beautiful weather right up until the end of the shoot.  D and J were great subjects and  had a lot of fun finding things to do no matter where we were.  We trecked to a bunch of different locations, ending up at the Riverwalk with lots to trees to climb on and bridges to cross.

The S Family on the bridge

A pile of stones, a lake and the boys are happy.

Trees are made for climbing.

Off to explore. My favorite kind of shot.

All in all a very fun shoot!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Sneak Peek - The M Family

This past weekend I had the pleasure of hanging out for awhile with the M family.  We did some family photos but mostly focused on the two littlest cuties.   We had lots of fun with bubbles, bean bags and balls.  This late summer weather couldn't have been more perfect.
Their dog clearly has had some experience in posing.
A Happy Little Guy
This one cracks me up. She is clearly very happy in the midst of all the activity, ready for her moment!

The bubbles, well...they were a big hit!

Who wouldn't want to lay around in a basket, on a pillow, with a blanket and all the attention?
L was a good catcher!

This bench belonged to their neighbor and it was perfect for C.

Thank you to C & L for inviting me to their home and allowing me to spend time capturing moments with their little sweet peas. 

Thursday, September 3, 2009

And so it begins...

My kids have started kindergarten. Honestly, I have no idea how that happened.  I'm pretty sure that just last week I was dressing them in adorable onesie outfits, complete with footies and snaps and they needed boppies to help them sit up.  It seems impossible that I have 2 five year old kids.  But alas, I do.  And time is fa-lying by!!!!

They were so excited about school and perhaps even more excited about the riding the bus.  I bought each of them a new outfit for the first day of school. Rookie mom mistake...I waited too long. Of COURSE all the fall clothes are out for the start of school.  But, seeing that it was still 80 degrees outside for the first day, I was looking for sundresses and short sleeve shirts.  There were almost none to be found.  At last, after 8 different stores with no luck, finally our trip to Kohl's was my answer.

We got dressed that morning and they were more than happy to let me get some pictures.  

Then, it was off to the bus.  They didn't hesitate for one they went.

Sydney was going to be at the bus and they could hardly wait to see her.  Once all the kids were together, we let them cross the street and they could hardly go fast enough.

Finally, the bus came and everyone was ready to get on.  I managed to keep it together, only getting teary for a few seconds  here and there.    When they got home, everyone told me they'd be tired and starving.  Well, everyone was wrong. They were like little lunatics - running around, doing cartwheels....they all had more energy than I've had in the past month combined!
It's now been almost 2 full weeks of school and you would think they'd been going for 2 full years. They are little pros.  The stories are wonderful.  They are making new friends.  And, their excitement and happiness about being at school...we couldn't ask for more.