My break has dragged on a bit longer than I thought it would. That's not to say I haven't taken any photos for fun or that I haven't picked up my camera at all. I have. Just rather infrequently, for me. My iPhone has also gotten a lot more use than it has in the past. Happily though, with the turn in the weather, some fabulous sunshine and a little girl who is doing an amazing job in rock climbing, my inspiration seems to be returning. This past weekend we traveled to Milwaukee for her second rock climbing competition! I started documenting our day from the crack of dawn departure through her final placement!

Warm ups and getting on her gear.
The climbing has begun!
She nailed a couple of routes and then a few got the better of her. She kept going though!
What a great support team her brother is! He kept her company and made sure she was ready for her next route. He was a great encourager as well. The papers you see below are each competitors score card with all of the routes listed on them. The points for each route are also noted so can keep track of you are doing and plan where to go next! To get in line, your paper gets put at the bottom of the pile.
This route. I'm not sure I've ever seen her work harder. She was not going to give up, even though a few times I thought she was done. It was not easy and a whole bunch of people in the gym were glued to her ascent, pulling for her, shouting for her and encouraging her to make it to the top. She did!!
My sweet husband volunteered and belayed the climbers for almost three straight hours!
I'm not sure how his arm didn't fall off.
This yellow route was her final one for the day. Three hours of climbing and I'm not even sure how she was still going. She did not succeed in getting to the top on this one. It thwarted her at the same spot each time. But, we were so proud of her as she gave this route THREE attempts. If she'd had any energy left, I think she would have gone one more time but she was spent.
And, at the end of it all, she was still such a happy girl!
Awards ceremony took place right at the end. Of the 19 girls in her age group, she took 7th! I'll be checking the official USA Climbing site on Wednesday to see how she ranks in the country.
After the first competition, she was ranked 23rd in the county. Crazy, huh?!?
So very proud of our girl! Up next...a competition in Minnesota!
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