Friday, January 2, 2015

1.52 I've decided.

So, I finally decided on this year's photography project.  It's one I originally tossed around in my head but then I kept looking for something else. That ought to teach me to go with my gut the first time around.  Seems I have to learn that lesson over and over and over and...well, you get the idea.  I've been feeling relieved to be done with my Project 365 from last year.  That was my second go around and it felt oh so very different from the first time. The thing about that project though was that some days I was inspired and some days I simply was NOT. One thing I hate to do is to force a photograph.  When it's an every day thing, you don't have much wiggle room. Nonetheless, I limped to the finish line and did it!  I love the sense of accomplishment and also the sense of freedom I have now this year.  The joy of bringing my camera places began to feel like an obligation, not so much of an exciting option. But, I know I'll be happy I did when I put that book of all the photos together this year (one of my 2015 goals).

So, I start anew.  And this year, I've decided to do a Project 52 again but with a focus. It will be 52 weeks of Self Portraits. Not to worry, I'm not going to force everyone to look at my face 52 times.  By self portrait I mean a photo that represents me, who I am and not just my mug. I think I'll definitely be challenged to come up with different ideas which is part of the point of a project. And, at the end of the year, it should be a pretty cool collection, I think.  I've never shied away from being in front of the camera, so that's not an issue. And, I feel pretty strongly that all women should get in front of the lens at some point - to celebrate themselves, to be proud of who we are and, if you have children, to give them the gift of being IN photos with them.  (so, I imagine you'll see one or two of those this year).

I hope you'll pop in from time to time to check this out. Maybe you'll be inspired to get in front of the lens too!

And so begins the journey...


  1. Yep, great project .. and .. great start!

  2. I've never done the 365 challenge for all the reasons you cite. I LOVE your new idea. You're very photogenic. 😊

    1. You are sweet...thanks, Carolynn! Though it can be challenging at times, a Project 365 is worth doing at least once! :) I've learned so much through both of mine. A P52 sounds good for this year, though. Thanks for your support!
