They had seen photos of the rooms but it's a whole different experience to stand in front of them in person. We came across rooms that they recognized from the story and those were the ones they liked the best!
The details in each room are amazing and the light is truly fantastic. The lighting is equally awesome in the stairwells around the museum. I could have done a full photo shoot right here in this spot!
We did walk around a bit more after every Thornhill Room has been thoroughly viewed. We looked at the Impressionists and also discovered a really cool room with armor the knights used to wear. My little guy, in particular, loved it.
One of my favorite moments was the one below. The kids recognized this painting from having studied it at school. It was such a cool moment to see them standing in front of it, excited to see it in person. I had to find a more creative way to make them stand out, as asking everyone to move while I took a photo really wasn't an option. :)
What was your favorite moment from Spring Break?
Bari, I'm so glad you went. I love the Thorne Rooms and connected so to the books by Marianne Malone. We are currently reading "Pirate's Coin," which is book 3. LOVE IT!