On April 12th, I arrived at the airport, ready to go, two camera in hand with different lenses. Family and friends gathered to await the arrival of Kerry, Dave and little Michael. There was such an outpouring of support and love around this wonderful event! Slowly but surely the crowd grew and grew....
At long last, the big sisters arrived with their grandma!
After taking this next image, I had to walk away for a moment to get my emotions back in check. An absolutely perfect drawing!
They'll be coming any minute!
They have arrived!!!
Mom and Dad are back with Michael!!!
Kisses from Mom.
The man of the hour followed by the first family photo!
Surrounded by so much love from family and friends.
Welcome home, Michael! What an amazing community of support and love you have surrounding you. I am honored to have been a part of your Homecoming! I look forward to watching you grow and seeing all the amazing moments you have in front of you with your family. You were most definitely loved from the start!