Tuesday, January 28, 2014

My kids want to go to college...tomorrow!

Between scheduled days off and this insanely cold weather, our kids have not gone to school on a Monday in the past six weeks. It's crazy!  (But it's definitely the right decision when we are having these sub zero temps).  Last Monday, we took advantage of a planned day off and went to visit one of our favorite college students.  We all met her through the theater productions they've done together at our local Park District.  There's a sweet, little love affair going on between the three of them that is fun to see.  This was my kids' first visit to college and the first time they got a full understanding of what it would be like to go away to school.

After arriving, it was time for lunch. We gave them the option of going out to eat or heading to the school cafeteria. They chose the cafeteria as that sounded much more exciting and new.

It was a very short walk. Just the next building over.

Hanging out in the cafeteria. They got lots of smiles from all the workers - clearly, they weren't the normal diners they see every day!

After lunch, we drove around campus to show my munchkins some of the other buildings, the Student Union and where classes were held.  I, of course, made them all get out of the car for a 2 minute photo shoot.

Such goofs!

We then made our way to Starbucks to hang out for a bit.  

Finally, we headed back to the residence hall to hang out in her room for a bit.  The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever and had lots of fun on the bed and under the bed and they tried to find ways to not have to leave. 

It was so high she had to jump up on to the bed.

I think they could have hung out all day.

Had to get a sock photo. My daughter has started mismatching her socks.  I wonder where she gets that from?!?

Oddly enough, these 2 girls have matching baby dragons AND matching Princess Castle Clocks.  Oh it makes me laugh.

We had such a fun visit.  As we left, my kids said, "That was SO cool. We want to go to college tomorrow."  I informed them that first had to graduate from high school, which they offered to do the next day. Thankfully, it doesn't work that way as this mom is nowhere near ready to see her babies head off to college. But, I'm glad to know they'll be looking forward it.

1 comment:

  1. I completely love this blog!! What a great capture of a totally fun day!
