I must admit, this one challenged me a bit. While there is rhythm all around, I wanted to take an image that was different than ones I've taken before. And, while I have some images in my arsenal that fit the bill, I thought it was only right to take a new image. After all, this class is for learning and if I'm using old stuff, then it's cheating. Or laziness. Neither of which I want to participate in.
It took me about 5 tries to find an image that made me happy. First, I tried the railroad tracks. How perfect is that, I thought! But, when I arrived, there was very little differential between each railroad tie and the stones in between them. Next, I tried the front of my dresser. I know that may sound funny, but it's a light wood dresser with dark blacks rings as the handles. When the light hits it just right, the patterns are really cool. But, given that it was such a skinny area, I couldn't get the image framed without getting too much else of the dresser. Next, I hopped in my car and when to an area where there is an old train car parked next to the train tracks. (still on the railroad theme as you can tell). But, my memory of the wheels that were there must have been created in my mind as there were far fewer than I remembered.
Next, I ended up in the high school parking lot. Close to our house are electrical towers. Sometimes I notice them, sometimes I don't. When I do, they are all I can see. I've been wanting to photograph them for awhile and it struck me that this assignment was the perfect reason to do so. I took a few images with different compositions.
Finally, I headed to the park. I snapped a few shots of some of the playground equipment and I felt I had some interesting patterns and got a couple of photos that made me happy as well.
In the end I decided to go with the towers for my class. But, I'm including a few additional images here that I feel fit the bill too.
I see multiple patterns of rhythm here from the design of the towers themselves, to the repeating structures to the wires that come from each of the towers.
I liked the repeated pattern of swings with the poles. And, I can hear the rhythm in my head and see the kids on these in the summer as they go back and forth with squeals of happiness!

This last one is a repeat from the last blog post but fits the bill for rhythm, both in image and movement so I wanted to include it was well.
I wonder what challenge next week will bring. I can't wait!
These are all perfect for the assignment! Each very unique. I think the shot of the swings is a great one!