I love taking pictures. I should, since that's what I've chosen to do for a living and I'm truly passionate about it. But, when I say take pictures, I don't necessarily mean professional ones (though doing that from time to time is definitely good too! But that's a different post for another time). I mean take pictures of the every day. Capture life as it's happening. It doesn't matter if you have a point and shoot or a big fancy camera or if you just use your iphone. Whatever it is, capture those moments - those things that make up your life, big or small. Gather the moments, digitally or on film, that make up your life. Someday, your loved ones will look back at those images to get a picture of your life and relive all of those moments with a smile. Even if your house is messy - take the pictures!

While I normally try to post my best shots these days (because of what I do), I have a ton of normal, every day photos in my iphoto library and in print in my closet. As I was going through some of these to post for this blog entry, they made me smile. I'm not looking at them for composition or lighting or color or anything like that. It's just the moments I want to see. And in some cases, I want to see the people who are no longer here with us on Earth.

Today, I attended a beautiful memorial service for a woman who touched many, many lives. I didn't know her very well but for the times I was in her presence, her spirit was strong and positive and very welcoming. I truly wished I had known her better. During the service, there were 3 different slide shows set to moving and emotional songs. As I watched it, I kept thinking, "Wow. She really lived. What a beautiful life." The photo montages were filled with silly moments, travel, family gatherings, touching moments - life as it happened. And I loved every second. It was a good reminder to just snap away during the every day because everything is fleeting. It was also a good reminder to really live - share your life, hug, snuggle, tell the people you love just how you feel. You won't regret having the photos but you may very well regret having never taken the picture.

Whether you print them out and organize them into beautiful books or just keep them on your computer (but please oh please oh please make sure they are backed up!) take the pictures! So, sometime in the next couple of days, grab a camera and capture some moments that show who you are, who your family is, what life looks like right now. AND - make sure you hand the camera to other people so you can be in a few shots, as well, with proof that YOU really did exist in your family. (a challenge for all moms - professional photographer or not).
So go. Take a few pictures. Today. And next week. And so on. You'll be happy you did!