I've spent a good chunk of time this morning looking for photos of my dad and I. I know there are a bunch in my house, in a Fedex envelope....somewhere. A few years back, I won tickets to be on John Edward Cross Country. For those of you who don't know him, John Edward is a well know psychic medium. I've actually been read by him twice - both times with my dad coming through. His production team came out to our house in Illinois after the first reading, which took place in New York, to do a follow up and have our story included in one of his episodes. Our story aired in November of 2007. So, all the photos I wanted to share today are in one safe place that were used for that episode that I now can't find. I will though - eventually.
My dad and his sister Carey on the moon.
Instead, I'll share a bit about my dad and some really, really cool photos of him from his younger years. Clearly, these are not my images and there's nothing on them to say where they came from. Bummer. Regardless, I love having these - a peek back into the person my dad was. The first thing that comes to mind is how funny he was. He kept us laughing - all the time. Ask any of my friends from when I was growing up and they'll back me up. I was embarrassed in restaurants several times - hilarious for my dad, mortifying for me. Looking back, I can now see the humor! He loved to leave me phone messages with goofy spellings (intentionally) and would often spell things backwards to try and throw me off. Nevik became my husband's name, instead of Kevin. He used a ton of hair spray to keep his combover in place (somehow it worked for him) and he wore Brut cologne. I still have the remnants of one bottle in my cabinet under the sink in the bathroom. From time to time, he would be sitting in his chair and would bust out laughing, seemingly at nothing. When I asked him what was so funny, he'd respond by saying, "Bari, I just told myself the best joke!" When I was little, my mom, dad and I used to spend Friday nights eating pizza and watching The Love Boat. He came to all of my recitals and dance performances and school ceremonies. And darn it, if he wasn't right about whatever issue we were discussing 99% of the time. I never questioned his love for me, his faith in me and he showed me what being a great dad was all about. I must have learned well because I married a man who is a great dad too. He also taught me about doing the right thing, having a good work ethic, how to have fun and about being a truly good person.
I miss my dad every day. He's been gone for seven and a half years now. That doesn't seem possible really. For the last 10 years of his life, he had emphysema but never let it slow him down, as evidenced by the fact he used to go to the gym three times a week and get on the treadmill for 20 minutes each time. He had lung cancer for the last 11 months of his life (which was the end of going to the gym) and it was pneumonia that took him in the end. He gave us one final gift as he was passing...he died with dignity, grace and yes humor as well. When his oldest nephew came into the hospital room to say his goodbyes to my dad, my dad extended his hand for a handshake and said, "Rob, you got here just in time..." and then let his head drop and pretended to die. Honest to goodness - who DOES that? It took us all a beat and we cracked up, along with my dad. That was him in a nutshell. Taking it as it came and accepting what was in the moment. Another one of my dad's nephews, Richard, wrote a wonderful eulogy for my dad's service, which kept us laughing about 70% of the time. it was such a perfect capture of my dad and I read it at least once a year.

My dad and his mom, who passed before I was born.
So today, I'm ever so thankful for the amazing Daddy I was lucky enough to have in this life. I know my kids would have lit up his life - as they did for their first 17 months in this world. It makes me so happy to know he got to meet them. My kids don't remember him but they think they do, as I love to share tidbits and random memories about my dad. I believe he can see them. I only wish I could see him, seeing them.
My dad's parents with him and his sister on the left; My dad in the Navy on the right
Happy Father's Day to my own dad who has already sent me 2 little signs today (thanks, Daddy), to my husband who is also the best daddy I could ask for for our own children and to all the other Dad's out there, wherever you may be - at home, in the service of our country or in Heaven watching over your family as they continue along their journey, like we are.
My dad in between his sister and her husband, my Uncle Sol, with my grandparents in the front.