Yesterday, I had some extra time to myself. So, driving home from returning a faulty battery charger (which reminds me that I need to order a new one - right after this post), I decided to pop into the Arboretum. It's the one place I currently have an annual membership to and it's soooo worth the money. I was hoping to still see the fields of daffodils but just missed them. Instead, I drove around the entire property, looking for inspiring light and colors to photograph. I found a few things but nothing that caught my eye like the flowers when I first pulled into.
So, on my way out, I parked, crossed a few streets and walked over the road where the cars enter. The light coming through these flowers was just amazing and I couldn't get them out of my head. I'm embarrassed to admit that I didn't know they were tulips until one of the employees said that's what they were.
When I couldn't decide which image to post, I thought a collage would be a good idea. And, I thought it might also be nice to share a photography tip with you. When you find something that you want to capture, take a bunch of images but from different perspectives. A wide shot, a tight shot, get close, get far, get low down to the ground, take a shot from as high up as you can get, focus on one thing, open up and get more of the whole scene. The image on the right was taken while I was laying on the ground at a rather awkward (and I'm sure entertaining) angle. You just might be surprised at what you capture. Go give it a try.
Happy Spring!