Last weekend, Kevin embarked upon this insane race called The Warrior Dash. Almost 19,000 people competed in it between Saturday and Sunday with waves of 500 people going off every half hour on both days. What an event this was to behold. The race is a 5K interspersed with multiple obstacles such a jumping over fire, climbing a straight up wall with just a rope and footholds, working your way through smashed up cars and tires and ending in a lovely swim through the mud. My hubby did an amazing job, finishing in 26 minutes and coming in 9th for his age group. He finished 158th out of the 8797 people who competed that day and somewhere around 350th of the 19,000 total competitors. As insane as this all sounds, I'm tempted to do it next year myself, as long as I don't have to run full out the entire time. Here's a sneak peek into the events of the day. (I could only see the final few obstacles but they were some of the best ones.)
Warrior - Ready for Battle!
Two Male Warriors!
The cutest little warriors I have ever seen! (probably the friendliest too!)
The amount of people that do this thing is mind boggling!
To me, this looked like a war zone, but fun. And with great music!
In the starting gate.
We were happily surprised to find that Kevin's mom and her husband had come to cheer him on!
Daddy's biggest supporters
There was some serious heat coming out of those fire blasts!
Coming into the final stretch of obstacles
Rope wall climb
Jumping the fire. This one made Maggie really, really nervous.
Sliding into the mud. And yes, he slid. No avoiding it.
The final swim to the finish line.
Can you see how exhausted he is?
Failed attempts to get kisses post race. NO WAY Daddy!!!
Mom got a huge hug!!! She was such a good sport!
My rocking' warrior!
Perhaps I'll join him next time....